🏛 Facilities

The main lab is located at Ecole Polytechnique, 5th floor, biomedical engineering section (L5613, L5626).

Computer Lab

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NeuroPoly Computing Equipment

  • ~ 15 iMac workstations (quad-core up to 3.4GHz, at least 16GB RAM)

  • 1 data storage station (max 15TB) which is backed up nightly on another station (physically located elsewhere)

  • 2 CPU clusters (64-core & 12-core Xeon Phi)

  • 3 GPU clusters (8xP100 & 2xTesla).

Additional Computing Equipment

In addition, the lab has free access to:


In terms of software license, being part of Polygrames Research Center and École Polytechique, NeuroPoly has access to multiple software for engineering, mathematical computing and simulations (http://www.grames.polymtl.ca/facilities/servers-information/).

RF Lab

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NeuroPoly has expertise in building radiofrequency (RF) coils for MRI applications. This RF lab is part of TransMedTech’s technology platform. The infrastructure includes:

MRI Facilities

3T Human

List of available scanners:


  • Video projection system for functional MRI experiments.

  • Physiological monitoring systems (Biopac).

  • Non-commercial pulse sequences (for advanced diffusion, 2D-RF excitation, dynamic shimming, etc.).

  • Unique 24-channel shimming system for the spinal cord MRI

  • Air compressor

7T Human

List of available scanners:


  • Custom RF coil for research purposes 8 pTx & 20 Rx

7T Animal - Small Bore